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Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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V DAY~went out with kiki, jia qi, xiao wan and ha...
the cough medicine is so strong!20ml and i am down...
heard from mom ytd that maybe daddy gonna quit his...
my latest addiction..Docomo Sharp SH-01Ait include...
haha this is WULI junsu with his bro junhoLOL so ...
projects finally coming to an endby TML~!adfs and ...
lazy to blog labut since im herei'll just blog som...
accessory shopping
disappointing post


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Written at Wednesday, 25 February 2009 | back to top

i thought i have forgotten about u
i could be still be happy if i didn noe this
i could still never grow up if i didn noe this

i could say u are a bastard
how can u still care for ur ex gf when u have a gf alr
and the worst thing is u didn tell me u got a gf alr
but instead u keep asking me to get a bf
like wtf?!
u thought finding bf is like playing game?
ha i cant afford to play this game anymore

i didn think my reaction will be that big when i saw that photo and when yunyun told me
my heart is really hurting
and i feel so uncomfortable inside
i have to let go
and i did
big puffy eyes and sleepless nights

the moment i close my eyes, what i saw is that photo
and.... the way u smile so happily
i thought she's pretty......