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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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In house SIP bleah!!
Something wonderful i never expected it to happen,...
been working Loyalty Centre for a week plus.erm, n...
i went to my aunty house last sat.talked to sab ti...
my dream came true~~~
13th march
trying on the bootsi din buy this in the end,cus n...
heya, feel like making a blog post and so, i did!~...


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im gonna become a mute as time goes on..
Written at Thursday, 9 April 2009 | back to top

damn, i dun feel good
not sick or whatever la, just dun feel good emotionally
i think i got pai chi?
yea i am

she treats me like a mirror
she talks to every one except me
she dun even respond to me
i dunno whats the problem
she behaves like i offended her but i dunno what i did wrong
zh says that its natural she behaves like that
cus we dun talk normally in school
she did talk to me on the first day...
but the second day, she just dun talk to me

i was thinking like since we are gonna have sip in the same university for 3 months plus in a foreign country
then might as well clique with everyone
since im the only one without a partner
how i hope i will have kiki tog with me in OSIP
then i wont feel lonely alr..
even if others dun give a damn to me, at least i have a close friend with me right
unfortunately I DON'T
just like kiki told me ytd, i have be brave lor
just be with i can at least talk to

i have no choice but to adapt into this environment
just diam diam do my own things
then nothing will happen ler...
i guess by the end of SIP, i will miss SCK so much lar!
im like missing you all even though i haven't leave yet...