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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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ying hui aka google figuring how to do OBC..^^ 妈妈...
let mi talk bout bout ytd's events..^^i went to my...
today's CSC AGM is not bad..ppl there are friendly...
YAY!!SO HAPPY!!finished my speech test at first..^...
went to Tampines mall with kiki 妈妈 today..she ate ...
OMG!!hahas..u know what i have seen?just now i was...
im so disappointed today..i tot i will get my pay....
hi..today got nothing interesting la..i think so.....
today's a sad day for mi..i din do well for my mat...


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Written at Thursday, 12 July 2007 | back to top

im almost late for my hap tutorial..
i tot im late for sure..phew!!
luckily no..hahas
learned quite a bit during hap tut..
mrs jyothi was very patient expaining to us..
i love her!!
today went to business school to have lunch...
western set..i ate chickren cutlet set..very nice!!
i love the chicken cutlet and fruit salad..hahs!!
so tired today, can even sleep on the bus while studying obc..hahas!!
went to sleep when i reached home..
tml is obc quiz 2..
quite nervous...
hopw there wont be any killer question...
jia you!! hwaiting everyone!!
cya tml..my friends..<3