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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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today's CSC AGM is not bad..ppl there are friendly...
YAY!!SO HAPPY!!finished my speech test at first..^...
went to Tampines mall with kiki 妈妈 today..she ate ...
OMG!!hahas..u know what i have seen?just now i was...
im so disappointed today..i tot i will get my pay....
hi..today got nothing interesting la..i think so.....
today's a sad day for mi..i din do well for my mat...
i didn blog yeaterday..coz too tired and too late ...
Today's class is kinda boring..mostly all lectures...
today's sfp lab is fun..our group did the soft pea...


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Written at Sunday, 8 July 2007 | back to top

let mi talk bout bout ytd's events..^^
i went to my guides' campfire..
this time its all organised by our seniors..
cuz i think sec fours are all busy in preparing their 'o' levels..
i meet wan ying at 815pm at sch bus stop..
i thought i'm gonna late, in the end, she arrived even later than mi..
she reached bout 845pm?
i waited for her for bout half an hour lo..
by the time,we reached there, campfire oso going to end le..
the gateway is very nice!!
done by seniors ma..sure nice de..^^
when i and wanying walking into school, we could hear ferlicia'a voice already!!
hahas^^ she's the MC for the campfire..
wan ying told mi that its last minute de..
hahas^^ i heard that she even sang the Gatsby song!! hahas!!

wanying was scolded by Mrs oon(not really scolded la, just nagged i should say..) for wearing so sexy to campfire..hahas!!
she wore a barebacked and very short skirt..and a super high heels(which i think i wont even wear it until the day im dead!! hahas!!)..
cuz she went church before that..
i was too nagged by Mrs Oon for wearing a skirt..
hehes!! hui ting told mi to wear a jeans..but i was running late soo i forgot all bout it..
hahas..at least mine is longer than wanying's by a bit..hahas!!

campfire i staged at the field this time..
when i reached there..i was welcomed by pristine and hui jing..
they just ran up abruptly and hugged mi!!
cuz really very long din see them le..
really missed them..
bharathi has grown a lot taller..
i felt so short..T.T
sorry guys..really got no time to join the committee and stay overnight ytd...

seeing our guides..reminds mi when i was a guide like them..
i missed the days when i was a guide, Mrs oon and my fellow guides friends..
those days are difficult but filled with joy, love and laughter..
i missed guides!!!