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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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went to Tampines mall with kiki 妈妈 today..she ate ...
OMG!!hahas..u know what i have seen?just now i was...
im so disappointed today..i tot i will get my pay....
hi..today got nothing interesting la..i think so.....
today's a sad day for mi..i din do well for my mat...
i didn blog yeaterday..coz too tired and too late ...
Today's class is kinda boring..mostly all lectures...
today's sfp lab is fun..our group did the soft pea...
Life is unfair..and im going to accept it..


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Written at Friday, 6 July 2007 | back to top

finished my speech test at first..^^
i think mine is quite easy..
my topic is ,"do u think government should continue to support education of young singaporeans?"
cuz i manged to gather ideas for that..
but whether my speech is good enuf..
i dunno..hahas ^^
ryn is super lucky lo..
she got the same topic again...

i'm now at TP library..
waiting for time..
my cca 7pm den start.. >.<
my friends all did quite well..
happy for them.. ^^
next week is kiki's turn..
hwaiting ya!!! ^^

i managed to pass my bursary form on time too..
i run like mad lo..
after lecture, rushed to school..
den collected 'o' level certificate..
then the school stuff helped mi photocopy..
save money..hahas..
then rushed back to school..
im super hungry..
den shiyi asked mi y i eat so fast..
LOL.. ppl hungry ma..
hahas ^^

happy happy...
no one managed to see that im having the ugly rashes all over body too..^^