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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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OMG OMG!HE IS BACKKK!!!~~~~before my birthdaywahah...
hi all!here to update my blog again..Interview tod...
please be back soon
hi! currently blogging on my cousin's laptop in my...
skipped work today..cus i've got blisters on both ...
no need to emo~be happy!~
Continuing with Nanchang Trip~~
everybody, 七夕节快乐!!i know we dont celebrate this in...
东北大拉皮a 小菜in the shuijiao shopi swear its nice~spic...


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

four movies in a week! vivi is superb!
Written at Thursday, 17 September 2009 | back to top

went out to shiyi today to PS and cineleisure~
my btt....i flunged it!
ryn encouraged me and sad together with me
sy laughed at me
janson went quiet...
mom told me to try again, she will give me money = =
i cried to daddy that i dont want to take anymore...daddy said u decide lor.. haha!
my beloved cousin sab asked me why will i fail that AGAIN
love laughed at me first then asked me to try again..
i suggested to him that he go take the driving license and drive me around!
he asked me whether i got a car and i said nope!
then he said we shall wait then...(haha cus now cant afford a car!) LOL

watched time travellers' wife today with sy
very nice~
ppl crying but we didn = =
saw a freaking nice dress that i can fit in perfectly~~
no money, hesitated, didn buy, regretted!!

vivi is very fortunate that she has three close sisters, close cousin and love love~
who is very concerned about her
asking her hows my love and gave me suggestions
ESP sab! (<3 you!)
sy desperate to know how tall my love is...(wahaha!)
ryn is always beside me when i need her~
kiki is together with me physically and also mentally too~
and lastly my love love~~~mua mua~