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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Continuing with Nanchang Trip~~
everybody, 七夕节快乐!!i know we dont celebrate this in...
东北大拉皮a 小菜in the shuijiao shopi swear its nice~spic...
hi all, this is vivien here~ hahafirstly, there is...
a truth that came too late
had a SCVK outing~got my earphones like funnyprett...
read someone's blog just now..just felt ridiculous...
day out with kiki todaylunch at Tampines 1 Manpuku...
was watching Voice 亡者之音..very nice and the storyli...


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no need to emo~be happy!~
Written at Thursday, 10 September 2009 | back to top

i deleted my last post because im not emo anymore~

and, im looking forward to it

btw, im a lil buey song with mediacorp.
just because i last minute cancelled my working slot, you put me on blacklist?!
its not that i feel troubled over this, im not AT ALL!
even mama its a lil bit over
i know its my fault cancelling last minute(not really) or rather two days earlier..theres no need to put me on blacklist = =
and also, dont u think the pay given is lil bit too low..
im working not for half a day or few hours..
its freaking 12 hours long!!
and 50 dollars is what i get?
shang can pay more than 50 dollars for just 8 hours..and urs? 12 hours!
we are treated like some cheap labour lor
everyone worked so hard and 50 dollars is what they get..
really stunned to hear its only 50 dollars for long hours of working..
and we wake up so early..
and ps, im in need of money recently..so of course ill go for the job that offers the better pay..

im not angry or what
i just felt ridiculous and pissed..