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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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day out AGAIN with Kiki~
four movies in a week! vivi is superb!
OMG OMG!HE IS BACKKK!!!~~~~before my birthdaywahah...
hi all!here to update my blog again..Interview tod...
please be back soon
hi! currently blogging on my cousin's laptop in my...
skipped work today..cus i've got blisters on both ...
no need to emo~be happy!~
Continuing with Nanchang Trip~~
everybody, 七夕节快乐!!i know we dont celebrate this in...


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hamsters and parrots
Written at Monday, 21 September 2009 | back to top

its my special day today~~~
special day out with special friends
kiki took leave to celebrate me bdae! big loves<3

one day out with kiki to Bugis,
i saw the hamster i wanted to buy
its white in colour with small patches of grey at the back
very cute~
got another colour or breed that is very nice but its 30 dollars each..
i saw the house that i intended to buy
so looking forward to bringing them home (:

went downstairs for brunch today
and accompanied daddy to get bird feed
saw a cute parrot there
its white in colour and yellow feathers on the head that will spread out one (i really dont know whats tha yellow thing called LOL)
its very cute...come near me whenever i go
the maid in the shop was sweeping the floor
so i asked her whether does it bite
she said no and she touched the parrot and it allows!
haha! so i tried touching it and it seems really relaxed for me to sayang haha
very fun! the parrot is really damn cute.
its the kind of parrot that we normally find in bird park...
i asked daddy to try touching it..
daddy placed his hand on the beak but he got bitten..
i placed my hand too at its beak but it didn bite me
weird huh!
daddy said that those parrot with the yellow feathers on its head is a male
so i said no wonder it bite you but not me....im a girl what
and he went LOL

so many wishes for my birthday
thru online, facebook wall, xiaonei, sms..
i rem janson is the first to wish me, followed by kiki then love~
janson is damn right on the dot..
he wished me on MSN on 12am sharp
some facebook wishes are kinda unexpected
cus im not that close to them
my cousin says this shows that u are remembered..haha~
thanks all those that remembers my birthday yearly..(:
very much appreciated ^.^