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I am ME♥
Vivien, a simple cheerful girl currently in her nineteens.


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Xiaxue | YanWen | Ryn | Shiyi |

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hamsters and parrots
day out AGAIN with Kiki~
four movies in a week! vivi is superb!
OMG OMG!HE IS BACKKK!!!~~~~before my birthdaywahah...
hi all!here to update my blog again..Interview tod...
please be back soon
hi! currently blogging on my cousin's laptop in my...
skipped work today..cus i've got blisters on both ...
no need to emo~be happy!~
Continuing with Nanchang Trip~~


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Best birthday of my life~
Written at Tuesday, 22 September 2009 | back to top

card written by Kiki<3
i love the card!
card written by Ryn
my present!
the pair of earrings i wanted!
surprises after surprises..
singing happy birthday song right at my doorstep which caught me off guard..
wearing my home clothes..very tak glam
blew candle off a choc muffin~
very unlucky day~
rainy day on my birthday
raining when we are going out
raining when we are coming back
went to far east next..
went to WC first..as ryn and sy wanted to
took some photos inside..
when we are out, ryn suddenly stopped!
and i didn't suspect a thing
zhenghong, gerald, yiming and janson came bursting out from a 'room'
singing happy birthday song out LOUD!
people looking at me
haha very paiseh..
they bought a cake from ION..
gerald said it was BRANDED LOL
ryn gave my earrings when we are in the middle of shopping~another surprise~
went shopping for shoes next
mama heels were broken):
just went window shopping....
then we went back my home for dinner(:
Best birthday of my life!
as in first time my birthday is being zhong shi by ppl~~
never had a birthday celebrations from my friends before~
could have been better with him around
but too bad~
no choice~~
its not his wish too~
he wanted very much to accompany me~
but anyway, im very happy!!!